Find Meal Ideas

A photo of a recipe for Apple Cinnamon Bars from USDA MyPlate.
Find Recipes On the Internet

ourmealplan uses a feature called a bookmarklet that can be dragged and dropped onto the browser’s toolbar. From there you can click “Save Recipe” on the browser’s toolbar and the recipe will be automatically saved to your collection.

Save Recipes

After clicking “Save Recipe”, a pop-up will appear confirming that the recipe has been saved.

A photo of a recipe for Apple Cinnamon Bars from USDA MyPlate being saved to an ourmealplan account using ourmealplan's save recipes feature.
A photo of a saved ourmealplan recipe for Apple Cinnamon Bars from USDA MyPlate recently added to recipes.
Find Recipes In Your Collection

The recipe will be highlighted in your collection in a different colour, indicating that it’s been saved from the web.

Confirm Recipes

Click on the “Confirm” button or edit the recipe. You can then use the recipe the same way as any other recipe in your collection. There will also be a link to the original recipe. Clicking on the link will open the original recipe in a new window.

A photo of the confirm option for a saved ourmealplan recipe for Apple Cinnamon Bars from USDA MyPlate recently added to recipes.